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Automating Processes with Apex Batch Jobs in Salesforce

By Nick Huber
Published in Developer
July 23, 2023
2 min read
Automating Processes with Apex Batch Jobs in Salesforce

Automating repetitive and resource-intensive tasks is a crucial aspect of effective Salesforce development. Apex Batch Jobs provide a powerful mechanism to process large volumes of data in an efficient and controlled manner. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into Apex Batch Jobs, exploring their functionality, usage, and practical examples, to equip you with the expertise needed to harness the full potential of this feature.

Understanding Apex Batch Jobs

Apex Batch Jobs are asynchronous processes that allow you to process a large number of records in smaller, manageable chunks called “batches.” They are ideal for handling time-consuming operations, such as data cleansing, complex calculations, and data integrations. Batch Jobs run in the background, independent of user interactions, ensuring efficient use of system resources.

Anatomy of an Apex Batch Job

Before we dive into the code examples, let’s understand the basic structure of an Apex Batch Job:

  1. Implement the Database.Batchable Interface: To create a batch job, your Apex class must implement the Database.Batchable interface and implement the required methods: start, execute, and finish.

  2. Start Method: The start method queries the initial set of records to be processed and returns them as a Database.QueryLocator.

  3. Execute Method: The execute method processes each batch of records returned by the start method.

  4. Finish Method: The finish method executes after all batches have been processed, providing any post-processing logic.

Creating an Apex Batch Job

Let’s walk through the process of creating an Apex Batch Job that updates a custom field on Account records.

Step 1: Define the Batch Class

public class AccountBatchUpdate implements Database.Batchable<SObject> {
public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, Name, Custom_Field__c FROM Account]);
public void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> scope) {
for (Account acc : scope) {
// Perform updates based on your business logic
acc.Custom_Field__c = 'Updated Value';
update scope;
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
// Perform any post-processing tasks here

Step 2: Execute the Batch Job

You can execute the batch job programmatically:

Id jobId = Database.executeBatch(new AccountBatchUpdate(), 200); // 200 is the batch size

Or, you can schedule the batch job to run at a specific time:

String cronExpression = '0 0 0 1 1 ?'; // Cron expression for January 1st at midnight
System.schedule('Account Batch Job', cronExpression, new AccountBatchUpdate());

Real-World Example: Data Cleansing

Consider a scenario where you need to cleanse data in the Contact object by removing unnecessary characters from phone numbers. Let’s create an Apex Batch Job to achieve this:

public class DataCleansingBatch implements Database.Batchable<SObject> {
public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, Phone FROM Contact]);
public void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Contact> scope) {
for (Contact con : scope) {
// Data cleansing logic (e.g., remove spaces and hyphens)
con.Phone = con.Phone.replaceAll('[^0-9]', '');
update scope;
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
System.debug('Data Cleansing Batch Job completed successfully.');

Best Practices for Apex Batch Jobs

  1. Batch Size: Choose an optimal batch size based on the volume of records and system resources.

  2. Governor Limits: Be mindful of Salesforce governor limits, such as DML operations, query rows, and CPU time.

  3. Error Handling: Implement error handling and retry mechanisms to handle batch failures.

  4. Testing: Thoroughly test your batch job with different data scenarios.

  5. Monitoring: Monitor batch job execution using system logs and debug statements.


Apex Batch Jobs are an indispensable tool for automating complex data processing tasks in Salesforce. In this guide, we explored the structure, usage, and best practices for creating batch jobs. Armed with this knowledge, you can efficiently process large data sets, optimize resource utilization, and automate critical processes.

Leverage the power of Apex Batch Jobs to streamline your Salesforce development and unleash the full potential of your data processing capabilities.


Previous Article
Mastering SOQL: Salesforce Object Query Language Explained
Nick Huber

Nick Huber


Table Of Contents

Understanding Apex Batch Jobs
Creating an Apex Batch Job
Real-World Example: Data Cleansing
Best Practices for Apex Batch Jobs

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